Artist Statement

My work is focused on creating the relationship between human and nature, and the connection between different cultures and different races in the community. Through creating multidisciplinary arts in the field of installation, sculpture, ceramic, and watercolor painting, my installation explores community well-being, racism, sexism, and relationship between human and environmental conditions.

My current work, The Condolence Message at Sunroom Project Space, Wave Hill, creates a space dedicated to communities suffering physical, emotional, mental and spiritual trauma as a result of social inequity during the Covid-19 pandemic. Based in part on a sympathy letter that a 16th century ancestor wrote to his late wife who passed due to postpartum-related complications, and on a condolence message project that circulated during the Covid-19 pandemic.

This site-specific installation combines porcelain, a sculpture of microcentrifuge tubes and watercolor drawing cutouts of flowers.